Please visit these two websites.
Deaf Bible Online in 28 Languages
Deaf Ministry Resources
Australian Sign Language (Auslan)
Bible Society Australia translates the Bible into Australian sign language. Available now are The Beginning (selected readings from the book of Genesis), Law and Promise (selected readings from the books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy), Jesus (selected stories from the Gospels), and the Acts of the Apostles (selected stories from the book of Acts). These are available in DVD.
Bill Rice Ranch
Bill Rice Ranch, a revival ministry centered on the preaching of God's Word, offers Deaf Camps and other Deaf Ministries to people who are hard of hearing. Their programs for the deaf is year-round and continuous. Aside from Deaf Camps they also hold Deaf Adult conferences.
Baptist Church Planters
Connecting—Developing Closeness on the Journey of a Lifetime
Baptist Church Planters' deaf ministry offers Connecting—Developing Closeness on the Journey of a Lifetime for deaf people. This item is available in ASL edition DVD. You can get this item from Baptist Church Planters website.
Deaf Missions Online Store
Deaf Missions Online Store has been providing outreach, training and materials designed especially for the hundreds of thousands of deaf people who use sign language. Items featured on their
store are Bibles in DVD, workshop DVDs, gospel tracts, t-shirts, and many more.
Deaf Bible Media Network
DVC is an evangelical ministry to the deaf and hard-of-hearing. They are a support organization that works with many different Christian churches throughout North America. Among their ministries are the following: production of Christian teaching materials, sermons, Bible studies, children's programs, and more; lending of videos to deaf, hard-of-hearing, etc, and; hosting conferences.
Focus on the Family
Focus on the Family is a Christian ministry dedicated to helping families thrive. They provide help and resources for couples to build healthy marriages that reflect God's design, and for parents to raise their children (normal or with disability) according to morals and values grounded in biblical principles. Focus on the Family publishes videos that have captions designed for the deaf and hard-of-hearing people.
God's Story: From Creation to Eternity Film
God's Story is a video of the Bible produced in over 100 different world languages. They also produced a special video in America Sign Language and closed caption for the deaf and hard-of-hearing people.
Haiti Deaf Academy
Diglo is a retailer of assistive products for deaf and hard-of-hearing people. You can find vibrating alarm clocks, visual signalers, amplified telephones, sing language books & DVDs, Christian videos and more.
Hymns for signing
Hymns for signing and other Christian ASL song books are available at You can visit the website provided or type hymns for signing on their search engine.
Jesus Film Project
On their web page displays a list of all the languages available for the "Jesus" video. The JESUS video is available in American Sign Language, Russian Sign Language, Costa Rican Sign
Language, Korean Sign Language, Australian Sign Language, Japanese Sign Language, Romanian Sign Language, Ukrainian Sign Language, Brazilian Sign Language and more.
NEST Learning
NEST Learning produces animated DVDs that build character traits. They have stories from the Old Testament and New Testament. Their DVDs have captions so deaf and hard-of hearing people could also watch and enjoy the animated films.
Silent Word Ministries
This is a very good ministry for sign language resources.
They have many different types of resources. They have tracts, Spanish resources, a Bible Institute, an newspaper and more.
Vision Video
Vision Video releases hundreds of Christian videos with captions and subtitles designed for those who are deaf and hard-of-hearing. They have videos for children and adults.