World Christian Missionary Resources - Helping you reach your world for Jesus

Personalized John & Romans or New Testaments for a Low price in 48 Languages

I wrote this ministry below. The person with this ministry told me that they do not keep the John and Romans in stock. They wait for someone to send an offering to pay for the printing costs. If you want a personalized John Romans, please contact the ministry below.

World Missions Bearing Precious Seed
Please look for the John and Romans link on the home page.

I do not know how many languages it is available in from World Missions Bearing Precious Seed.

Bearing Precious Seed.

You may also ask Bearing Precious Seed for the addresses of the other Seedline churches which print John and Romans together.

One of the ways that Bearing Precious Seed can help your church is through personalized John & Romans or New Testaments. These can be used for evangelism in your community or as gifts to those who visit your church. Both the New Testament and the John & Romans are marked editions to guide the reader through the plan of salvation.

These personalized Scriptures measure 5.25” wide by 8” tall. For a first time order, there is a set up charge to cover the cost of the layout, negatives, and printing plates. The cost of shipping the Scriptures is in addition to these other amounts.

The small amount that we request for these personalized Scriptures covers the cost of the Scriptures your church receives and also helps us to send Scriptures free of charge to missionaries who need them. These Scripture portions give your church a tool to use in reaching its' community and give a missionary a tool to use in reaching his mission field.

The covers are printed with one ink color (usually black) on gray or cream paper stock. Your information, picture or logo can be printed on the front and/or back of the cover.

If you have any questions or need help finding a particular video, dvd, tract, book or any other Christian resource in any language of the world, please contact

World Christian Missionary Resources - Helping you reach your world for Jesus