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Orality - Online Articles on Why Orality ( Storytelling, Drama, Song) is a Good Way to Teach

Orality refers to the act of communicating a thought verbally or orally. It can be in a form of storytelling, drama, song, or any act that uses speech. Below are links to websites that has articles about orality.


An Introduction to Contextual Bible Storying: Orality Training
Living Water International

"Orality is the fastest growing movement in evangelism today, and it is changing the face of missions around the world. The rapidly reproducing disciple-making and church planting movements are among oral cultures in Asia, Africa and Latin America." (Read more about this article, click the link above.)

An Introduction to Orality & Bible Storying
Wycliffe Malaysia

"It is believed that two-thirds of our world's population are oral learners. Oral learners are not necessarily illiterate but are people who prefer to learn through oral form. This means that the majority of the people in our world today learn and communicate best through means that do not involve printed texts." (Read more about this article, click the link above.)

An Oral Strategy for Training Leaders Among the Aztec Indians
Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary

This is a thesis by Anthony L. Conner. The topic is about reaching the indigenous people in Mexico with the Gospel thru the use of oral communication strategies. You can download the pdf of this thesis on the link provided above.

Oral or Orality Online Articles

Please put the word oral or orality in the search engine to find online articles.

E3 Orality: Reaching the Oral Majority
E3 Partners

"Over 75% of the world communicates orally through verbal storytelling, drama, and song. Conveniently, over 70% of the Bible consists of stories." (Read more about this article, click the link above.)

I Like to Learn, But Not to Read: Orality and Missions
By Grant Lovejoy
International Mission Board

"Researchers have increasingly adopted orality as a term of respect to describe a way of living. People like Watt learn by what they see and experience, through oral (spoken) and aural (heard) art forms, and through conversations. They may learn through television, film, radio, and audio recordings." (Read more about this article, click the link above.)

Making Disciples Of Oral Learners (Indonesian)
International Orality Network

"Around 70% of the world's population communicates mainly through oral means and storytelling. And the majority of remaining unreached people groups cannot read or write. Because oral learners tend to believer other people more than abstract truths, the spiritual life and example of the messenger are vital." (You may download this file from International Orality Network's website.)

Making Disciples Of Oral Learners (Simplified Chinese)

"Around 70% of the world's population communicates mainly through oral means and storytelling. And the majority of remaining unreached people groups cannot read or write. Because oral learners tend to believer other people more than abstract truths, the spiritual life and example of the messenger are vital." (You may download this file from International Orality Network's website.)

Making Disciples Of Oral Learners (Traditional Chinese) chinese-2/

"Around 70% of the world's population communicates mainly through oral means and storytelling. And the majority of remaining unreached people groups cannot read or write. Because oral learners tend to believer other people more than abstract truths, the spiritual life and example of the messenger are vital." (You may download this file from International Orality Network's website.)

Oral Learners: The Listening Majority
Talking Bibles International

"According to the International Orality Network, there are an estimated 5.7 billion people in the world who are oral learners, people with basic or below basic literacy skills. That staggering number includes men, women, and children of all ages." (Read more about this article, click the link above.)

Orality-Lausanne Movement

"Orality is a critical topic in global mission today. 5.7 billion people in the world are oral preference learners. 70% to 80% of the world does not depend on textual transmission; they depend on aural, or oral-visual means to receive, process, remember, and pass on information." (Read more about this article, click the link above.)

Orality-The Alliance

"Since ancient times, oral societies have passed along important ideas without writing it down. An estimated 4.35 billion people in the world today are oral learners. As a people-group, oral learners rely on the spoken word to transfer the vital themes of life from one generation to the next." (Read more about this article, click the link above.)

Orality & Storying-SIL International

"While the term 'storying' was only recently coined, the art of storytelling has been part of the fabric of communication longer than we can say. Throughout history people have used stories to relay events, communicate ideas, modify behavior, teach theology and shape worldview." (Read more about this article, click the link above.)

Orality Articles-International Mission Board

You can find articles about orality or Bible storying on International Mission Board's website. You can visit the link above or you can visit their website and type the word “ oral or orality" in the search engine.

Orality in America
By Mission America Coalition
Love 2020

This PDF booklet is available for free on the website link provided above. It is about the concept of orality and how it is used nowadays as a method of spreading the Good News about Jesus Christ not only in America but also around the globe. Please visit the website and type the word oral or orality in the search engine to find online articles.

Telling the Story: The Great Commission to Oral Learners
By Rick Sessoms
Freedom to Lead International

Please visit the website and type the word oral or orality in the search engine to find online articles.

The Art of Bible Storying
By Sally Hinzie
Union Baptist Association

"Our missionaries overseas have found a method to share scripture with people groups that do not read and do not have access to a Bible in their language. Since many people in the United States either do not read at an advanced level or simply prefer to receive information orally, we have found that this method is also very effective in the United States." (Read more about this article, click the link above.)

What is Chronological Bible Storying?
Equip Disciples

"The Bible is the story of God's love for us written across the pages of history by the very hand of God. Most cultures are oral culture where the primary means of learning everything has always been through oral transmission." (Read more about this article, click the link above.)


BibleStorying Workshop
GoodSoil Evangelism and Discipleship
GoodSoil Evangelism & Discipleship is offering BibleStorying workshops. This workshop equips Christians to tell Bible stories effectively. Thru this workshop, you will learn and polish at least three Bible events, practice telling those stories, and learn how to use Good Soil resources to share those stories in your personal ministry.

Global Orality Training Alliance

The Global Orality Training Alliance is a Facebook group created for those who would like to learn and to be trained on how to share the Gospel in the most effective way of communicating in order to make disciples for Jesus Christ. They insure that this oral way is culturally appropriate, international, and reproducible to all places and people groups.

International Orality Network

International Orality Network connects those reaching oral communicators & oral learners. They are seeking to radically influence the way oral preference learners are evangelized and discipled. On their website are many resources, including a journal, that you can use to learn more about orality.

OneStory Partnership

OneStory is a Christian organization that aims to reach the unreached people groups through the use of Bible storying or orality method. They are conducting orality trainings and workshops with partner organizations and churches. Visit their website to learn more about their ministry.

Simply the Story (STS)

STS is aimed at teaching people of all socio-economic, cultural, and educational backgrounds on how to prepare and share Bible stories and passages. This program is for literate and non-literate. To know more about STS, please visit their website.


TruthSticks is managed by Snowden Ministries. It originated from the book Truth That Sticks: How to Communicate Velcro Truths in a Teflon World. This blog site publishes orality articles and Bible studies. Snowden Ministries also partners with churches who are committed to making disciple-makers by using orality.

I thought it might be good to have another opinion. Here is an article with another opinion.

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World Christian Missionary Resources - Helping you reach your world for Jesus