Please visit this website.
Mormonism is a Cult or False Doctrine
This website shares the good news of the eternal salvation in Jesus Christ with J. W.’s and Mormons. It also has articles and interesting information about J. W.’s and Mormons.
Christian Answers
About the Church of Latter-Day Saints
This article at aims to provide an information about what Mormonism is and where it began. This is useful for missionaries and Christians who are planning to reach out to Mormons.
Always Be Ready
This article is an excerpt from Charlie Campbell's more detailed article on Mormonism. You will find tips on how to witness to Mormon missionaries in this article.
Apologetics Index
The Apologetics Index provides research resources on religious cults, sects, new religious movements, and alternative religions. There is also information about anticult and counter cult organizations, doctrines, religious practices and world views.
Apologia provides free timely and accurate research information within the field of apologetics. You can subscribe to their weekly email newsletter to receive updates about their resources. They also have an online forum where you can post your questions they can answer in the area of apologetics.
Mormon Faith
Centers for Apologetics Research in English
Centers for Apologetics Research in Russian
The Center for Apologetics Research is an evangelical counter cult ministry in the Soviet Union. On their website you will find a large and constantly replenished collection of free analytical materials, essays and multimedia presentations analyzing the teachings of modern cults, aberrational movements and world religions from the standpoint of historic Christianity.
Challenge Ministries
Challenge Ministries offers resources that challenges Mormonism, J.W.’s, and other cults. They have books and tracts, and you can subscribe to their newsletter.
Chick Publications
If you are looking for cartoon tracts you can use in witnessing to cults and occultists try Chick Publications. They have various booklets about Mormonism, J. W.’s, Catholicism, freemasonry, etc.
About the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is selling The Kingdom of the Cults by Walter Martin. Please put the word Mormon or Mormonism in the search engine.
Cultwatch is a Christian-based, para-church organization made up of people from different Christian denominations. Cultwatch aims to help the people trapped in the cults and to warn people about the cult danger before they are ensnared.
This apologetics site to members of the Latter-day Saints Church includes more than 100 testimonies from former Mormons about why they left that church, and several testimonies from former Jehovah's Witnesses. There are articles, an active bulletin board, an email support group, a list of contacts who are willing to help minister to Mormons who want to leave the Mormon Church.
False Prophet, False Church, False Salvation - The Mormons and J. Smith
by Blaine Lay Burford (Author)
Mormons? How much do you really know about them? This book, a true story, was written by a man who was a Mormon for more than 46 years, with 7 kids and a wife as well as decades of lay leadership in the church. In a hunt for greater knowledge and a desire to serve more ably, reading from the early writings and the official records of the church, he discovered the real truth about the founder of the church and why this author had to make a heartbreaking decision to leave. Having been born into a line of Mormons from the beginning it was nearly too much truth to absorb. After more than two years of reading and study of only approved documents there was no other choice but to leave. If you know a Mormon or are a Mormon you need this information!
Guide to Cults and New Religions
By Ronald Enroth
Ronald Enroth and other provide information (history, beliefs, and practices) on prominent religious sects: Baha'i, Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, Hare Krishnas, Mormons, J. W.‘s, Unification Church, and other modern cults.
How to Witness to Mormons
Evidence Bible
This article presents ideas on how to witness to Mormons in the language they can understand.
Institute for Religious Research
The Institute for Religious Research is a non-denominational, Christian non-profit foundation devoted to the study of religious claims in light of history, science, and the Bible. This is an excellent website with information on cults and apologetics.
Jeremiah Films
Jeremiah Films offers films about various cults: Mormonism, J.W.’s, and other cults. Visit their website for their catalog.
John Ankerberg Show
John Ankerberg presents contemporary spiritual issues and defends Christianity by providing biblical Christian answers to combat the doctrines of cults. He presents his ideas through books he writes or co-authored, and through his television show. His television ministry has produced many videos on the cults. Many may be seen on He also sells DVDs on his website.
Leading Mormons to the Real Jesus
Life After Ministries
Lead Mormons to the real Jesus. In this article, you will find some tips on how you could better witness to Mormons.
Let Us Reason
Why I Left Mormonism
MacGregor Ministries
This website has a list of booklets or resources about, Mormons, J. W’s, Seventh-day Adventists, and other groups.
MM Outreach Inc
Mormonism -DVD Outreach
The Bible vs Joseph Smith, Lifting the Veil of Polygmany, The Lost Book of Abraham, The Bible VS The Book of Mormon, The Godmakers, The Mormon Dilemma, DNA and the book of Mormon.
Mormons in Transition
This website contains articles and other resources about Mormonism. You can also connect with former members of Latter-day Saints to help you in your transition from Mormonism to Christianity.
Mormon Origins
This page provides information and/or documents relating to the beginnings of Mormonism in America.
Mormonism; A Life Under False Pretenses
by Lee B Baker (Author)
Mormonism Research Ministry
Mormonism Research Ministry is a missionary/apologetics organization that was organized to propagate the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to critically evaluate the differences between Mormonism and biblical Christianity. This website provides newsletter, books, tracts, and tapes, etc. in printed and electronic forms.
Mormonism Disproved in less than 3 minutes!
Mormons Beliefs Exposed - Videos & Articles
Mormons Need Hope
This website provides support to former Mormons, as well as reach out to current Mormons. This website is also a resource to non-Mormons.
Out of Mormonism: A Woman's True Story
By Judy Robertson
Honest and eye-opening, Out of Mormonism: A Woman's True Story takes readers where few will ever see—behind the doors of the Mormon church and into the lives of a family seeking to leave. Part apologetic and part autobiography, the book begins with an explanation of how author Judy Robertson and her family were drawn into Mormonism, how they were constantly lived a life that never quite measured up even though they were "temple-worthy Mormons," and how they finally found their freedom. Out of Mormonism also compares Mormon beliefs with biblical truths.
Personal Freedom Outreach
Personal Freedom Outreach aims to educate Christians about the dangers and heretical doctrines of religious cults, to use the Gospel of Jesus Christ to reach members of those cults, and to warn Christians of unbiblical teachings within the church itself. They achieve their goals through publishing books, articles and reviews on their website.
Reachout Trust
Reachout Trust is an international Christian ministry that equips the church, upholds biblical truth and builds bridges to people in the cults, and new age. Its primary aim is reaching out to the people involved in these groups. This is achieved through various means.
Sermon Audio- Audio and Video Sermons
Please put the word Mormon or Mormonism in the search engine.
Seven Reasons We Left Mormonism
By Michael Wilder (Author), Lynn Wilder (Author)
Former Mormons Michael and Lynn Wilder share the 7 reasons that led them from over 30 years of devout Mormon involvement to biblical Christianity. From Michael's leadership to determine if a person was "Temple worthy" to Lynn's role as tenured professor at Mormon-owned BYU, you'll discover the beliefs that changed their heart and mind as they examined the Bible's words for themselves.
The Book of Mormon, True or false?
by Arthur Budvarson (Author)
The Kingdom of the Cults
Walter Martin
This book equips readers from every walk of life to use biblical truth to counter the efforts of cults to masquerade as mainstream Christians. This book is a good tool in counter cult ministry and in evangelism. Cults and religions included are: J. W.’s, Mormonism, New Age Cults, the Unification Church, Baha'i Faith, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, and more.
The Mormons
The Bereans
Teaching cult awareness seminar, distributing specialize tracts and literatures, evangelizing the cultist, occultist, and skeptics, and equip the leaders of the churches in the foundation of the faith through apologetics.
The Secrets of Mormonism Exposed
Living Waters
The True Story of a Mormon Bishop's Journey of Discovery
by Lee B. Baker (Author)
This book recounts the true-life experiences of a Mormon Bishop, who for over thirty years was a High Priest, Elders Quorum President, and a member of three High Councils for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the Mormons. He has participated in hundreds of Mormon Temple Endowments and witnessed firsthand the practice of ceremonial rituals in which the taking of human life was mimicked, all in the name of Jesus Christ.
Tower to Truth Ministries
Utah Christian Publications
Most of the materials published by Utah Christian Publications are about Mormonism and how to evangelize Mormons. They have good books, tapes, videos, DVDs, etc that provide help in witnessing to Mormons.
This website is documents problems with the claims of Mormonism and compare their doctrines with Christianity. It has several books that educate Christians about Mormonism. It also has articles, newsletters, and other resources about Mormonism.
Watchman Fellowship
Reaching out to friends and family who are members of the Latter-day Saints presents a great challenge for Christians. This page lists several tools you can use for witnessing to Mormons.
What is Mormonism?
Witnessing to Mormons with Love is an e-book you can read for free on the internet. The purpose of this book is to provide tips and strategies for witnessing to Mormons in a loving way.
Witnessing to Mormons with Love
By Angie Dean- Online Book
World Christian Tract Directory
This page contains a list of websites where you will find tracts about cults.
World Christian Tract Finder
Please search by entering the word cult or the name of the cult in the search engine. Please put just one word in the search engine. You may also search by organization, title, language and country. Please put the word Mormon in the search engine.