World Christian Missionary Resources - Helping you reach your world for Jesus

Fair Evangelism Training

Amazing Grace Mission

Amazing Grace Mission has been ministering in local county fairs, state fairs, festivals and flea markets in America and around the world for more than 40 years. They are encouraging Christians to participate in this event as this is one of the fastest ways of winning souls to Christ. They are offering fair or market place evangelism trainings.

Godtube - Evangelism outdoors at the Minnesota state fair on the radio
See evangelist Anthony Hulsebus as he is interviewed by Pastor Tom Brock at the Minnesota State Fair. Anthony Shares how you can be better at sharing your faith and what are some of the most common excuses people make when encountering the gospel. If you struggle with evangelism, then watch this video.

Move To Assurance (MTA) Bible

The Move To Assurance Bible website provides training and ideas for evangelism.

Sharing Jesus - County Fair Evangelism (article)
"The Lord put it on my brother's heart to have another County Fair outreach this year, and last was the week… A lot of planning and preparation goes into the Fair Outreach." (Read more about this article, click on the link provided.)

Sowing the Seed - State Fair Evangelism (article)
"The Central Washington State Fair kicked off on Saturday the 26th, and we were on hand to make the most out of the opportunity." (Read more about this article, click on the link provided.)

Wayside Harvesters
Wayside Harvesters goes to where people assemble such as fairs, festivals, carnivals, and other special events to share Jesus Christ. They also teach and train Christians to evangelize in mentioned public events.

YouTube - Evangelism at the Fair
The South Tulsa Student Ministry went to Tulsa fair to hand out tracts and share the gospel. Watch the video on YouTube.

YouTube - Fair Evangelism Refresher Course
Kurt Witzig gives an overview of The Gospel Roadmap. He also provided helpful hints while ministering at fairs.

If you have any questions or need help finding a particular video, dvd, tract, book or any other Christian resource in any language of the world, please contact

World Christian Missionary Resources - Helping you reach your world for Jesus