6 Steps for Building a Better Church Bus Ministry
By Mimi Bullock
"Picture children running from all directions to climb aboard the church bus. No dragging kids to come to church, no begging or bribing. Real excitement that affects families, even neighborhoods. It can happen-it does happen in the bus ministry!" (Read more about this article, click on the link above.)
Bus Ministry Math
Bus Ministry Works
"I have been involved in the bus ministry in various capacities for the past 18 years. In time, I have yet to see a bus route that implemented the ideas and principles listed in this article that was floundering or struggling in its endeavor to make a difference in the lives of riders." (Read more about this article, click on the link above.)
Church Bus Ministry
By Tony Kummer
"I just walked out to plug in our old diesel church bus for its weekly mission trip around our town. Big Blue is beautiful but starting to show her age. This chuch has been running a bus ministry longer than I've been alive." (Read more about this article, click on the link above.)
Guidelines for Discipline in Christian Bus Ministry
By Mimi Bullock
"If your picture of Christian bus ministry is full of positive attitudes and well-behaved chidlren-you must be new! Don't feel bad; bus ministry, while vital and exciting, is challenging for many, even the experienced volunteer." (Read more about this article, click on the link above.)
Help! My Bus Route Won't Grow!
Bus Ministry Works
"This month, I would like to share a few thoughts and principles for bus ministry growth. None of these ideas are earth shattering or revolutionary. They are just tried and true principles that we neglect too often." (Read more about this article, click on the link above.)
Love Is The Key
Bus Ministry Works
"As the church bus director at North Valley for the past six years, I enjoy going to our weekly Saturday bus meeting to give and receive different ideas that are helpful in the bus ministry. However, I think too often in our ministries, we have a tendency to look for the next best idea, method, or technique in order to see positive effects from our labor for God. Ideas, methods, and techniques are wonderfully helpful, but they should never be a substitute for a surrendered heart of compassion for those to whom we are ministering." (Read more about this article, click on the link above.)
New Life on Your Bus Route!
Bus Ministry Works
"Bus routes, like nearly every other ministry of the church, go through cycles. There are times when it seems as though God is blessing in an unusual way and everything is clicking. Excitement is high, workers are zealous, and people are coming ot of the woodwork to come to church. However, there are also times, for a variety of reasons, when these things begin to wane. These seasons of potential discouragement are a natural part of ministry that we must be aware of and ready to combat swiftly and effectively." (Read more about this article, click on the link above.)
"So, What's New?"
Bus Ministry Works
For those involved in the bus ministry, here are some ideas for you prepared by the Bus Ministry Works.
Start a bus ministry?
Church Executive
"The bus ministry may be the greatest evangelistic tool in the history of the local church. In the past 50 years, hundreds of millions of people have come to churches across America, riding in church buses and vans to hear the Gospel message." (Read more about this article, click on the link above.)
Successful Bus Ministry
Children's Ministry Magazine
"Imagine a chuch bus pulling into a neighborhood where children jump up and down and run to the door even before the vehicle stops. These kids want to come to church! But what'll greet them when they get to the church building… If your bus ministry is run right, these kids will encounter the love and grace of Jesus Christ." (Read more about this article, click on the link above.)
Ten Signs of a Great Bus Route
Bus Ministry Works
"All strive to be a part of a great bus route! I would like to offer ten indicators of great bus route." (Read more about this article, click on the link above.)
The Three "P's" of the Bus Ministry
Bus Ministry Works
"The bus ministry is the single greatest evangelistic tool in the history of the world. No other ministry of the local church has been responsible for more people coming to church and coming to Christ than the bus ministry." (Read more about this article, click on the link above.)
Through the Eyes of the Bus Worker
Bus Ministry Works
"Several years ago, at our annual Pastors' & Workers' Conference, Dr. Bobby Roberson was preaching… Every week, their church brings in thousands of people by way of the bus ministry. As he was preaching, he read a poem entitled Through the Eyes of the Bus Worker, and it touched my heart." (Read more about this article, click on the link above.)
Books, Booklets, and Pamphlets
First Bus Ministry
By Wally Beebe
Welcome to the Bus Ministry
By Joel Fugate
Please put the word Fugate in the search engine.
The goal of this booklet is to prepare the reader to be successful in the greatly needed bus ministry. Whether you are just getting started in the work or have worked in it for a number of years, here is instruction that will help you do it right-which will lead to the harvest of souls God promised in Psalm 126:5-6.
All about the Bus Ministry
By Wally Beebe
An entire book dedicated solely to running and building a bus ministry. Some of the information is dated but the majority of the information can be easily applied to today's circumstances and put into practice.
Bus Ministry Trio: Bring Them In
Please look for the Bus Ministry link on the left side of the page.
Here are three great bus ministry books: Handbook for Bus Workers and Children's Church by Gene Johnson, 52 Weeks of Bus Promos and Ideas by Gene Johnson, and Campaigns and Big Days for your Bus Ministry by Dave Smith. The 52 Weeks of Bus Promos and Ideas is a full pages flyers that gives you one year worth of promotional ideas for your bus/van ministry. The Campaigns and Big Days for Your Bus Ministry gives you the how to's on having a big day, but also the philosophy behind promotions and campaigns.
Church Growth Through the Bus Ministry
By Dr. Jeff Fugate
Please put the word Fugate in the search engine.
In this book, Dr. Jeff Fugate has learned the ins and outs of the bus ministry through more than thirty years. Dr. Fugate shares with you the lessons learned from decades of successful bus ministry. You will find ways to avoid pitfalls that have damaged bus ministries, and there is also help on how to recover if these pitfalls have been experienced. Strategies that can have been proven successful and fruitful are laid out so that any size church can start or build their outreach for souls and experience Church Growth Through the Bus Ministry.
Church Growth Through the Bus Ministry (Church Growth Series)
By Dr. Jeff Fugate
In this book, Dr. Jeff Fugate has learned the ins and outs of the bus ministry through more than thirty years. Dr. Fugate shares with you the lessons learned from decades of successful bus ministry. You will find ways to avoid pitfalls that have damaged bus ministries, and there is also help on how to recover if these pitfalls have been experienced. Strategies that can have been proven successful and fruitful are laid out so that any size church can start or build their outreach for souls and experience Church Growth Through the Bus Ministry.
The Bible Bus Ministry: A book all about the bus ministry for all bus workers
By Clarence Sexton
This book is available on Amazon.
The First Bus Ministry
By Dr. Wally Beebe
Please put the word Wally or Beebe in the search engine.
The printed sermon which focuses on the passage from Luke 5:17-20 and 25 was delivered at the National Bus Convention in 1977 at the First Baptist Church of Ruskin, FL. Wally Beebe also used the title of, "Where Were You When the Roof Came Off?" for this popular message.
The First Bus Ministry As Preached by Dr. Wally Beebe (Mr. Bus) At the National Bus Conference, 1977 in Ruskin, Florida
By Dr. Wally Beebe
The printed sermon which focuses on the passage from Luke 5:17-20 and 25 was delivered at the National Bus Convention in 1977 at the First Baptist Church of Ruskin, FL. Wally Beebe also used the title of, "Where Were You When the Roof Came Off?" for this popular message.
The Miracle of The Bus Ministry
By Ray Young
Start a new bus route and have 40 in attendance on the first Sunday. Double or triple your attendance in one on a "Big Day." Increase your average by 40 percent within six weeks. Learn methods that will cause riders to come. And learn hundreds of practical methods that will transform your bus ministry. This book is for the pastor, bus director, bus captain, bus driver, bus worker, etc.
The Miracle of the Bus Ministry
By Dr. Ray Young
Start a new bus route and have 40 in attendance on the first Sunday. Double or triple your attendance in one on a "Big Day." Increase your average by 40 percent within six weeks. Learn methods that will cause riders to come. And learn hundreds of practical methods that will transform your bus ministry. This book is for the pastor, bus director, bus captain, bus driver, bus worker, etc.
Sword Books
If you put the word bus in the search engine, you will find more resources regarding the bus ministry.
Bus Ministry
Bus Ministry Works
Bus Ministry Works has many resources about Bus Ministry. These resources are free.
North Valley Baptist Church
North Valley Baptist Church's Bus Ministry has been operating since 1975. Their bus routes continue to run up and down the streets of their community every Sunday.
South Haven Baptist Church
The Bus Ministry is one of the ministries of South Haven Baptist Church. Their bus ministry picks up children and adults every Sunday for Sunday school and church. At present they have 12 routes.
Bus Ministry Brochure
Come Ride the Bus With Us
Please put the word bus in the search engine.
These eye-catching brochures are a great way to introduce your neighborhood to the bus ministry. Inside panels include a blank for estimated pick-up time and bus ministry details. Brochues come 100 to a pack and are tri-fold design.
Bus Ministry Masterpieces (MP3 Album)
Please put the word bus in the search engine.
Hear timeless messages from men who were committed to growing their church bus ministry outreach programs. Audio messages include lectures and sermons from different pastors.
Online Sermons
A Lady's Place in the Bus Ministry
By Patty Albert
Making A Difference Through The Bus Ministry
By Vince Keeton
Protecting Your Bus Ministry From Litigation
By Peter Lopez
South Hall Workshop 1 - Organizing Your Bus Ministry
By Jason Wall
The Bus Ministry
By Terrell Hopkins
Why We Have A Bus Ministry
By Dr. Rick Savage
The Bus Ministry
Bus Ministry Presentation
Online Videos
The Bus Ministry Works
The bus ministry has been responsible for bringing millions of people to church. But does it still work? Is the bus ministry still worth our time? Is it still worth our money? Is it still relevant?
The Bus Ministry Works (Updated)
This video shows the North Valley Baptist Church on Bus Sunday. There are additional people aside from those reached or directly involved with North Valley Baptist Church's Bus Ministry.
Striving Together Through the Bus Ministry
This short video is about the story of one boy impacted through a church striving together.
The Soul Winning Bus Ministry
By Dave Smith
Bible Believers
The material contained in this manual is a compilation of Dave Smith's lectures when he was teaching a course on Bus Ministry at Trinity Baptist College. This manual was written for use by any size bus ministry.
Door Hanger
Don't Miss the Church Bus Door Hanger
These door hangers are a great way to let your riders know what time the bus will be by on Sunday and that you stopped by for a visit.