Free Bible Study Software- Bibles, Dictionaries, Commentaries, Atlas, Charts
Great Free Bible Study Software -- This tool has 34 Bibles (13 in
languages other than English - including Hebrew and Greek), 7
commentaries, 9 dictionaries, Atlas, charts, and 18 other books helpful
for the study of God's word. All for free! The program is a hefty
download at almost 20 megs, but with a gift of $15 or more you can get
all the resources currently available on CD. One useful feature is the
KJV+ version: put your mouse over Strong's number (superscripted after
each word) and the Greek or Hebrew word appears with its definition as
a tooltip! Go to
or write Rick Meyers at Equipping Ministries Foundation, 5902 Parham
Road, Franklin, TN, 37064.